So, aside from being a computer programmer, I am also, in my personal life, an avid martial artist...I've been training in Chinese Kung Fu and wrestling every single day, give or take, since I was 19 years old, and for the last 5 years, my focus has been on Tai Tai Chi practice is such an integral part of my life, to be honest, that it's almost a little embarrassing... :-)
My Tai Chi teacher is a man named Adam Mizner, who in my opinion is one of the best Tai Chi practitioners and teachers on this planet, hands down. Adam is a Buddhist, and Adam's Buddhism teacher is a very well renowned master in Krabi, Thailand...

Adam's teacher is famous for doing physical feats of mastery...crazy kinds of things that one simply would not be able to do if they did not achieve sufficient levels of control over their bodies and their minds...basically, things that you simply can not "fake"... :-)
One of those feats he accomplished was that he remained vertical - not lying down in any way - for 9 full years...nine full years of either sitting up or standing, not once giving his body a rest or reprieve...
So, then, how did he sleep? Or did he not sleep? How did that work?
Well, of course he humans have to do...but he didn't sleep the same way you and I
See, you and I, and everyone else, sleep in a very specific way. First, for a portion of the day, we are awake, or "on"...then, for another portion of the day, we are asleep, or "off"...
If you put it on a graph, it might look something like this:

Big, violent peaks and troughs, as we yank ourselves from awake, to asleep, and back to awake again...either "on", or "off" at any moment in time, creating spikes in the graph - and in our bodies - each and every day...
Adam's teacher, however, slept differently - throughout these nine years, for several seconds at a time, while continuing to chant, or meditate, or serve others, he would take what he called "nanonaps" - never fully "on", and never fully "off", but rather teeny, tiny variations (degrees) of awake and asleep...continually flowing between the two, and, in effect, smoothing out the graph to *almost a perfectly straight horizontal line...reducing the times further and further, making the variations practically invisible to the outside eye...
These "nanonaps" were the inspiration behind the core mechanisms in outboundANI...
We don't "swap" numbers...meaning, individual ANI's are never truly "awake" or "asleep"...or "on" or "off"...creating violent swings in behavior, and disruptive spikes on the graph and in your
Instead, ANI's are constantly and continuously fluctuating and flowing between various degrees of "on" or "off"...throttling usage up and down from one moment to the next, responding in real time to ever changing performance metrics and patterns, prospect behaviors, and carrier success...
So, instead of being fully "on", or fully "off", with outboundANI, your ANI's take...well... "nanonaps"... :-)
For this type of insight and perspective, and for a myriad of other things, I am eternally grateful to Adam and his teaching...
Here is a link to a podcast where he personally tells the story of his teacher and the nanonaps...starts @ the 32 minute mark...hope you enjoy :-) ❤️🙏